19th July - Tropical Bash End Of Year Disco from 15:00 - 16:15, looking forward to seeing you!


We, the members of the Governing Body, are extremely proud of our successful small school and encourage any enquiries.

The school was originally founded in 1811 and there are strong links with the Oxford Diocese. It opened officially in 1811 and now consists of the original school building which is currently used as a hall, and a more modern block which houses the classrooms, library and offices.  Our light airy classrooms are very well resourced with the latest technology for learning including interactive whiteboards in each classroom area. We are very fortunate to have wonderful outdoor facilities with an extensive activity area, The Riverbank wellbeing space and a large secure playing field.

The school has a reputation for high levels of achievement and attainment, with standards consistently above national and local averages.

Our friendly, caring and dedicated staff work hard to sustain these high standards and to help pupils develop and progress as responsible individuals, happy to be part of our extended family. We have a close relationship with parents and the local community which is central to the ethos of the school.

Weekly newsletters keep parents fully informed and parents are always welcomed as a partner in their child’s education.

Should your child attend Whaddon School we look forward to working with you and intend that you will find your relationship with the school happy and rewarding.


Our Governors




Parent Governors

 Kim Clarke

Anne Tolfree


Foundation Governors

Mrs Rachael MacIntyre  (Vice Chair)

Mrs Amanda Hardman (Chair)

Mr Graeme Macpherson-Smith


Local Authority Governors

Charlotte Page


Staff Governor

Kathy Rudiiger Squirrel class teacher


Headteacher Governor

Mrs Sarah Prior


Foundation Ex Officio

Rev Jacqueline Dove



Governor Meeting Attendance & Interests

Governor Profiles

Amanda Hardman (Chair)

 I moved to the village in April 2019 with my husband and our three sons. We are currently doing a big extension and renovation of our home. I am a stay-at-home Mum but have been involved in childcare in both nurseries and schools since I was 16. I am on the Finance and Curriculum and welfare committees, I am also SEN and pupil premium governor. Since September 2021, I have also taken on the role of the Chair of Governors.


Rachael MacIntyre (Vice Chair)

Rachael is a Co-opted Governor and lives in the Village.  Rachael was originally a parent governor when her daughter attended the School and decided to maintain her role as Governor when her daughter moved to her next school.  Rachael has a second child who currently attends Whaddon School.  Rachael is a Solicitor by profession and has advised and represented Schools in various matters during her work.  Rachael’s skills sit well with the General Purposes and Finance Committee, which deals with the finance and management of the school.  She is also a Governor for Performance Management.


Verity Threlfell

Verity is a civil servant and an experienced governor, having previously served on the governing board of a central London primary which went from an Ofsted rating of “Requires Improvement” to “Outstanding”. She moved to Whaddon in 2019 and joined the Board in 2020, keen to play a role in this very different outstanding school as it moves from a first school to a primary. She has two pre-school children who she hopes will attend Whaddon School

Sarah Prior
Sarah Prior is Headteacher governor and as such attends all governor meetings.
Kathy Rudiger
Kathy Rudiger is staff Governor and attends Full Governing Body meetings and Curriculum & Pupil Welfare meetings.
Rev Jacqueline Dove
I am the Rector (designate) for the Blackthorn Chase Benefice which is a new benefice which includes the parishes of Beachampton, Nash, Thornborough and Whaddon. I was born in Zambia and have lived in Britain, South Africa, Mozambique and France. In Mozambique I started a Nursery School and home schooled my two children, out of necessity. I love children and feel they have a lot to offer to the world, after all Jesus said we need childlike trust and wisdom if we are to fully grasp the way of love. Having home-schooled my children I think teachers are absolute heroes.
Graeme Macpherson-Smith