Wonderful writing from Foxes this week!

School development plan and priorities 2023-2024

Our school priorities, for the academic year 2023-2024, are strategically focussed to enable the school to grow and develop- in line with our vision and values.
We are committed to ensuring that all outcomes are SMART, sustainable and enable us to revisit the priorities and progress against them in all of our monitoring and evaluative activities.
We use our School Development Plan (SDP) to focus our effort and resources in the most effective and meaningful way.
Ultimately, the children are at the heart of every decision we make and our distinctive Christian vision of "You are the light of the world, let your light shine." (Matthew 5:14-16) forms the basis of each decision we make and is the measure of our success across all of the communities we serve and socially, spiritually and academically.
This document is a constantly evolving and organic document, so it is amended and referred to at governor meetings and in the monitoring activities undertaken by the Senior Leadership Team and middle leaders (subject leaders) across the school.
Our priorities are:

    Whole School Key Priorities for 2023-2024

    •    Secure high outcomes; for all learners, through a rigorous and robust curriculum and clear skills progression
    •    Identify and challenge underperformance  in core and foundation subjects, through rigorous assessment and implementation of evidence based interventions to reduce progress gaps, in a timely way
    •    Embed Little Wandle letters and sounds reading scheme and love of reading, to assess gaps in phonic knowledge and address less than expected progress, in reading, across the school and raise the profile of reading for all stakeholders through initiatives and workshops
    •    Implement and sustain robust SEN monitoring processes, to ensure gaps are addressed through reasonable adjustments, evidence based interventions and best endeavours
    •    Ensure rigorous safeguarding practice and procedures, through CPOMS, to expedite and centralise reporting and recording incidents to create a bigger picture enabling the right resources to reach the right families; at the right time
    •    Share our distinctive Christian vision with all stakeholders, enabling us to live our vision and use it as a keystone of decision making and everything we do for our school and wider community through consultation with our vision group made up of stakeholder representation