Individual and sibling school photographs, tomorrow! (Thursday 19th)

Friends of Whaddon School



Welcome to the Friends of Whaddon School !


Whether you are a prospective, new or current parent we extend a big welcome to all and hope that you will see, quite quickly, what a wonderful community Whaddon School has. If we haven’t already, we very much look forward to meeting you!


The Friends of Whaddon School (The Friends) was set up, many years ago, by parents, with the primary aim to raise funds for the school to benefit all children. It subsequently became a registered charity, run by constitution, under which an annual committee is elected to reside - whom also act as Trustees - under the rules of the Charities Commission.


The Friends help organise many social/sponsored events throughout the year, including sports day welcome BBQ, traditional annual May Fayre, Christmas lunch, Easter egg hunt and many others. We also provide additional resources to the school to help further an already outstanding learning environment.


In line with the school's passion for reading and the Ofsted Reading Framework 2022, we have committed to raise funds to be focussed on developing the school library space, a love of reading and reading for pleasure by further enhancing the range of books available to children, as the school expands to upper key stage 2, in September 2023.


To keep this very worthwhile association going, we welcome your input, your support and maybe, once you have settled in to the school, your time by taking on more of an active role?

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, if you would like any further information, as we are always on the look out for volunteers!


You don’t have to physically attend events to help. Ideas and advice are always welcome so please feel free to e-mail us with anything. Donations are also always welcome, monetary or new items that can be used as prizes at events.


Friends of Whaddon School information is sent out through Parentmail, and via the Friends of Whaddon Facebook page, which is a closed group. There is also a School Notice Board, on the wall of the hall.

If you would like to speak to any of the committee members, at any point, then please do have a chat in the playground or e-mail us via


With best wishes,

Lorna Orr - Treasurer

Sarah Cox – Secretary

Francesca Blunstone – Secretary




Registered Charity Number : 1101753