Please ensure all photo permission forms are returned to the school office.

Wrap Around

Wraparound Care

Wrap around care is provided by Sports4all a local company who work with local schools to provide high quality wrap around care and clubs.

Early Risers

Children can be dropped off at Early Risers any time between 7.30am and 08.20am Parents will be charged a flat fee for arrival during that time.  Children will be able to play board-games, colour, complete puzzles or read. At 8.25am the children will be taken to join their class line on the playground by the Sports4all staff.


Late Stayers

For the children attending after-school care, the Sports4all team will collect the children from each class to attend their session. When the weather is suitable, the children will be able to use the field and back playground for playing games and sports activities. There will also be board games, craft materials and books available. The club will run until 5:30pm. Parents will be asked for a password upon collection of their child.



Bookings should be made through:  Sports4all booking link



 Childcare vouchers

If you wish to pay for wrap around care using childcare vouchers, please contact the school office.